TLDR: Kill stuff, dodge, and don't shoot at the planets.

Apparently, performances vary depending on the computer/browser. Its really smooth on Firefox but suddenly drops frames, and not-so-smooth on Chrome but doesn’t drop frames.

Since the theme was "Running out of space", I decided to make a space shooter focused on saving space. How original, huh?

Your goal is to protect the planets (the big coloured spheres) from the enemies you can see flying around everywhere. Those will automatically target the planets and ignore you, but *will* hurt you if you touch them.

It plays like a twin stick shooter, you move with WASD and shoot with the arrow keys. Your keyboard layout will not influence this (azerty, etc, it doesn't matter.)

You will gain powerups upon reaching a certain amount of score (top-left corner, alongside with your health, in pink). Those powerups change your projectiles, enhance their damage, reach, etc. But they also make it easier to friendly-fire your allies, the planets. Be careful...

Of course, upon firing on a planet, you will see your points removed (by a fixed amount depending on the planet size). And your weapon downgrade. Where would be the fun otherwise? :P

The game is won when you kill all the monsters, and is lost when you die, or when all the planets are destroyed.

Please excuse the bugs, the roughness, etc. Its only my second gamejam and I kind of jumped into it 6hrs late because "fuck it, why not after all". I also used a technology I'm not familiar with (the canvas) and struggle a lot mostly with this, losing a lot of time on stupid stuff.

Written in vanilla JS. Uses the canvas, the Web Audio API and thats pretty much it. I tested mostly in Google Chrome so it should fine on anything Webkit or Blink related.

Tools used:

- WebStorm

- Paint.NET

- Bfxr

Big thanks to @ericoporto from ! That crispy pixel font is perfect.

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